Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Our Experiences On Our Journey To Parenthood

          Time flies before we even noticed it. The last time i share our personal experiences was during my first pregnancy at 9 months in December 2013. Today i am on my journey to my 2nd pregnancy at 6 months now. This time the experiences are slightly different, perhaps due to different gender of the baby. My first trimester was more difficult as i have experience pain at the lower abdomen and blood spottings for the first 3 months. My Gynae, Dr Wendy from Mount Elizabeth Novena is a very experience doctor that gave me progesterone via injections and orally. We have chosen her again to deliver my second baby because she somehow makes us feel comfortable, confident and assured throughout my pregnancy.

          After my daughter Andre was born in 14 January 2014, we are so happy and thankful for the arrival of this new family member. Words cannot describe our emotions for the happiness, laughter, tears, arguments and achievements for the first year of our parenthood. I remember my husband shedding some tears when he first saw Andre. I remember how i have to overcome the confinement period while having post delivery pain for at least 2 weeks. For a first time mother, the going through of contractions pain was a life time memory. The every little things and details that we experience in this parenthood has made us understand the love and sacrifice of a mother, a father, a wife and a husband. Being a mother who sacrifice to stay at home, giving up the earning power and the ability to perform in the workforce was not a easy decision. As a wife who have to perform housework, cooking, looking after the baby and making sure not to spend unnecessary money was also part of the parenthood journey. As for my husband, i believe the most obvious experiences i can observe would be to shoulder the whole expenses of this family, learning to be a more hands on father/husband and to be more sensitive to the needs of his wife/daughter. Lastly, for our parents, we can see the joy and happiness from spending their time with their granddaughter.  

          If i were to share the details here, it will took me many days in many pages. As for now, i am really thankful to my parents and parents-in-law for giving us the opportunity to be strong and independent. My husband and i have been trying very hard to perform our new role independently as a parent and as a husband and wife. We appreciate this journey given to us and we are happy to await for our son's arrival in April 2016. We hope that our sharing help people who doesn't know us for years or long enough to understand us more. We are just like many people who experience the same or different parenthood journey and are working towards our goals in our own pace or ways. is our main concentration now and we are lucky to have the support of our kind suppliers. We also like to thank our patient customers who are able to wait for the preorders to arrive in about 5 to 7 working days. We will continue to provide our online services to our customers and hope to receive more wonderful product comments or even share with us the pictures of your little ones wearing our products on our facebook page. Very soon, we will be sharing with you our experience in looking after our son.




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